From this text you will learn (quite generally) how to suspend to encrypted swap partition and how to resume from it. This is mainly intended for laptop users who love security although the more encrypted partitions you have the better... SUSPEND Prerequisities: linux 2.6+, cryptsetup, swapoff, mkswap, swapon Howto: 1. turn off the swap partition 2. setup encryption on swap partition 3. make new swap file system on it 4. turn on the encrypted swap 5. susped to it swapoff PARTITION cryptsetup create NAME PARTITION -c CIPHER mkswap /dev/mapper/NAME swapon -p 1 /dev/mapper/NAME echo -n disk > /sys/power/state Do not forget to add "resume=/dev/mapper/NAME" to kernel command line. RESUME Prequisities: linux 2.6+, cryptsetup, shell, mount, scripting abilities Howto: 1. setup encryption on the swa partition 2. get the minor and major device nod numbers 3. mount sysfs 4. resume from the encrypted swap partition cryptsetup create NAME PARTITION -c CIPHER ls -la /dev/mapper/NAME Now store minor/major in some variables. This part is your homework, because it is too easy and I am too lazy. mount -n -t sysfs none /sys echo -n MINOR:MAJOR > /sys/power/resume Do not forget to add "resume=/dev/mapper/NAME noresume" to kernel command line.