RTFM - The Resource Teaching Frame-based Machine Copyright (C) 2008 Matous J. Fialka, Released under the terms of The MIT License\n .MARK start Hello! This is RTFM sample data tape 1...\n .MARK start.continue? .STOP Do you want to play this data tape? (Y/n) # .CASE [nN] quit \n .CASE [yY]? menu \n .PLAY start.continue? .MARK menu Main menu --------- (1) Play example record 1 (2) Play example record 2 (3) Play example record 3 (R) Rewind tape (Q) Stop playing this data tape\n .MARK menu.choose .STOP Choose what to do now, please: # .CASE [1-3] ex_rec_\? \n .CASE [rR] start \n .CASE [qQ] quit \n .PLAY menu.choose .MARK ex_rec_1 Inside example record 1.\n .PLAY return_to_menu? .MARK ex_rec_2 Inside example record 2.\n .PLAY return_to_menu? .MARK ex_rec_3 Inside example record 3.\n .PLAY return_to_menu? .MARK return_to_menu? .STOP Press (Return) key to continue or (Q) to quit... # .CASE () menu \n .CASE [qQ] quit \n .PLAY return_to_menu? .MARK quit Good bye...