
This page contains collection of useful Internet links that are somehow interesting for me. Not only these links are quite a brain-dump of my personal Internet living but really do not express any of my opinions at all. It is just what it is intended to be - a collection of some bookmarks.

If not interested, please continue back to the Root Directory now.

Useful links:

Google (the best Internet search engine)
RAFB.net/paste (Read a F*cking Book's pastebin)


Project GNU (the GNU operating system, licenses etc)

Linux (kernel) oriented:

Linux - kernel (the best kernel for some good UNIX operating system)
Kernel Traffic (around the Linux developement)
LKML (Linux Kernel Mailing List)
Kernel Newbies (website for newbie kernel hackers)
Linux MM (on Linux memory management)
Linux Net (website about Linux and networking)

Debian GNU/Linux:

Debian GNU/Linux (Debian GNU/Linux operation system)
Debian Administration (Debian GNU/Linux administrators)


VT100 (excellent website about terminals)
Video Terminal Information (another great website on terminals)
X Terminal (home of the famous Xterm program)

Vi Improved (the very best text editor)

AWK, GAWK, MAWK and so on:

AWK (GNU AWK home page)
Bruce Barnett's AWK page (page on AWK)


AWK oneliners (collection of handy AWK oneliners)
SED oneliners (collection of handy SED oneliners)
AWK & SED (table comparing some AWK and SED expressions)
Perl oneliners (collection of handy Perl oneliners)
Ruby oneliners (collection of handy Ruby oneliners)

UNIX in general:

On "shebang" 1 (Andries Brouwer's article on the infamous "shebang")
On "shebang" 2 (the same by Sven Mascheck)

Hacking in general:

99 Bottles of Beer (in more than 1000 programming languages)


CPU Gallery (small CPU gallery)


HyperPhysics (small physics review)


Synthesis: An Efficient Implementation of Fundamental Operating System Services

Miscellaneous & unsorted

Electronic Publishing -- Origination, Dissemination and Design On-line Archive

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Last changed: Sat May 5 20:47:35 CEST 2007